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Please be patient with us. We are editing this page so that the information is more accessible and user friendly.

> NOTE - not all videos are not available via cell phone <

At the top of this page you will find videos, pictures and/or documents

relevant to brand new students (white belts).

That will be followed by testing requirements for each belt,

beginning with the first belt (yellow belt).

After the list of testing requirements there will be videos which are

significant to that rank. Techniques or kihon (fundamentals)

will be first and that will be followed by kata (forms) and kobudo (weapons) kata.

Information for Beginners

Bowing - How, When and Why

Yoi - Starting Position

Yame - Finishing

How to wear your uniform and belt

Making a fist correctly

Shotei (Heelpalm)

Roundhouse Kicks

Proper punching

Shuto (Knifehand)

Side Kicks Part 1

Backfist Strikes

Knee Strikes

Side Kicks Part 2

Elbow Strikes

Front Kicks

Shin Kicks

9th Kyu Requirements

Click on the patch icon above for a list of requirements for testing up to 9th kyu (1st Yellow Belt).

9th Kyu Kata

Niju Sichi No Kata

(27 Movements)

8th Kyu Requirements

Click on the patch icon above for a list of requirements for testing up to 8th kyu (2nd Yellow Belt).

8th Kyu Kata

Kihon Kata Shodan

7th Kyu Requirements

Click on the patch icon above for a list of requirements for testing up to 7th kyu (3rd Yellow Belt).

7th Kyu Kata

Basics of Bo

Kihon Kata Shodan Bo

6th Kyu Requirements

Click on the patch icon above for a list of requirements for testing up to 6th kyu (1st Green Belt).

6th Kyu Kata

5th Kyu Requirements

Click on the patch icon above for a list of requirements for testing up to 5th kyu (2nd Green Belt).

5th Kyu Kata


Kihon Kata Shodan - Tonfa

4th Kyu Requirements

Click on the patch icon above for a list of requirements for testing up to 4th kyu (3rd Green Belt).

Basics of Nunchaku

Part 2

Basics of Nunchaku

Part 1

4th Kyu Kata


Kihon Kata Shodan Nunchaku

3rd Kyu Requirements

Click on the patch icon above for a list of requirements for testing up to 3rd kyu (1st Brown Belt).

3rd Kyu Kata

2nd Kyu Requirements

Click on the patch icon above for a list of requirements for testing up to 2nd kyu (2nd Brown Belt).

2nd Kyu Kata

Sei San

1st Kyu Requirements

Click on the patch icon above for a list of requirements for testing up to 1st kyu (3rd Brown Belt).

1st Kyu Kata


Shodan Requirements

Click on the patch icon above for a list of requirements for testing up to Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt).

Kata for Shodan

Rohai Sho

Nidan Requirements

Click on the patch icon above for a list of requirements for testing up to Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt).

Kata for Nidan

Rohai Dai

Sandan Requirements

Click on the patch icon above for a list of requirements for testing up to Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt).

All ranks beyond Sandan will be granted by:

1. Direct promotion by Renshi Darby or,

2. in his absence, the senior Instructor of MojuKai,

3. or upon recommendation of the student's immediate instructor and consideration of the individual's contributions to MojuKai and the martial arts by a duly appointed panel of senior instructors, at least one of whom must be a senior rank to the applicant.

Promotion Candidates must have a minimum of five years of dedicated study between each rank after Yondan.

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