MojuKai Martial Arts
Traditional Karate & Self-Defense
Welcome to MojuKai Video
Welcome Video
from Renshi Darby

Mini-Moju's are our youngest karate-ka (karate practitioners), usually from ages 4 through 6 years old. There is a great deal of responsibility that comes with learning real karate techniques and most younger children are not mentally and/or emotionally prepared for making good decisions when it comes to using striking techniques. This is why Renshi devised the Mini-Moju program.
We refer to this program as "pre-karate" and do not consider it to be a full-fledged karate program. Mini-Moju's will learn the basic mannerisms of the martial arts, how to conduct themselves in martial arts environments (which naturally blends into general behavior), life-safety skills (e.g. dialing 911, recognizing "safe" people, stranger danger, and hazardous items), how to be good, helpful and pro-social citizens (e.g. don't bully, be tidy, and help at home), all in addition to the basic skills needed for karate. In effect, this program prepares smaller children for entry into a more complete karate class. This is NOT a daycare program. We are not taking your money just to keep your children. It is the intent of Renshi and the instructors of MojuKai to provide real-world skills to even the youngest Moju.
Mini-Moju's do not qualify for the same belt ranks as older MojuKai karate-ka. Renshi has developed a system in which Mini-Moju's can still earn promotions as they exhibit improvement, eventually earning a 9th kyu yellow belt and entry into the full-fledged karate class. The ranking system is important to children as it gives them goals to strive for and a sense of accomplishment. The Mini-Moju ranks will be stripes placed on their white belts once every four months for the first year - regardless of skillsets. After a years training, or sooner if they learn all of the relevant material, Mini-Moju's can test for their white belt with yellow stripes. They will recieve stripes every four months again until they have completed their second year at which time they can test for their white belt with green stripe. Their final "testing" will promote them to full yellow belt. Mini-Moju's will be taught and required to abide by the same rules of discipline, etiquette and respect as all other MojuKai karate-ka.
Mini-Moju's meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30 until 6:00. Because this is a reduced system of instruction, the price is very affordable at only $75 per month.
We reserve the right to deny any child based upon immaturity, lack of response to training, and/or conduct concerns. This is to protect the child from a bad experience and to be responsible to parents who may be enrolling their children to no avail.
As with all MojuKai courses, you are welcome to schedule a time to bring your child for a visit and conversation with one of our instructors, or you may stop by during class to observe.

Little Miya breaking a board with side kick.
Miya was a couple of weeks short of her 4th birthday when she started. She is the youngest person ever promoted to yellow belt in MojuKai.

Isabell started in the "Mini's" when she was five. She became a fierce and well known little warrior. The original, short version of Hoseki Kata was created for her to compete with.